I can't believe 2024 is almost over and I can't end the year without letting you all know what my favorite books from the year were. I read so many amazing books this year and can't wait to read more next year! This year I have read 28 books and have really enjoyed exploring all the amazing books that have been written.10. Legend, by Marie Lu
"Each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything's possible again. You live in the moment, you die in the moment. You take it all one day at a time."
Legend, by Marie Lu was a very interesting book. Although this book has it's flaws the reason I put it on this list is because the story and plot is original and unforgettable. This book is a good start but from what I've heard the rest of the series is not as good.
Read my full review HERE.
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9. Emily of New Moon, by L.M. Montgomery "Everything we had was small expect our love and our happiness." You will laugh. cry and smile all throughout this book! I really enjoyed reading this book and loved how relaxing L.M. Montgomery's writing is. I enjoyed the character of Emily and I really liked how Montgomery gives readers such an amazing perspective on the characters thoughts and actions. Read my full review HERE. |
8. Up a Road Slowly
"Love is not always found in the grand gestures, but in the small moments of kindness."This book is definitely one of my favorites It is a beautiful story of a girl's life from when she was 7 to 17. I really enjoyed Irene Hunts style of writing and couldn't put this book down, once I started getting into it. I really like books that are from the main characters perspective, which is one of the reasons I liked this book. like being inside the characters head and seeing their thoughts.
Read my full review HERE.
Sense and Sensibility was such a captivating story! Jane Austen is truly a legend. I loved her writing and really appreciated the depth and dimension of every single character she portrayed. Every person in this book had a specific character trait and wasn't shallow or boring. Sense and Sensibility was such a wonderful story of the trials and triumphs of finding someone to love.
The False Prince, by Jennifer Nielsen has a very unique plot that keeps you turning the pages. I really enjoyed this book and couldn't put it down. A thing that I really did like was how your thoughts about different characters kept changing! I couldn't really tell, until at the end, who was bad or good. I think that was a really exciting and suspenseful aspect of this book. I liked how the plot kept changing. Although, some parts were predictable, Sage, the main character, kept surprising me. I liked Jennifer Nielsens writing in this book and love her ideas that she puts into her work.
I have read this book twice and man, it's a crazy good book. I re-read it because my friend read it and I forgot a lot of details about it. The plot is really interesting and I loved the dimension of the character development. I think that this book has a lot of good moral lesson and good characters. The story is about the coming of the anti-Christ and I think that Frank Peretti's concept of it was very interesting.
I really enjoyed this book and I loved all of the turns in the plot. I did like how the book was written from Thomas' perspective. Seeing all of his thoughts and experiencing all of his emotions makes the book more intimate and interactive. When I first began reading it, I was a little confused by the whole 'Color Power' thing. But as I kept reading he book did not fail to explain a lot of things, in it's own way. I like how unique the story was. I have never read anything like it. A lot of books remind me of others that I have read, but this one was a whole new idea and plot. This was also a romance, so that was also a highlight!
Romanov, by Nadine Brandes is the first book that I have ever cried in. That simple statement is enough to tell you that this book is good. I have never cried in a book and I have read over 85 so far. After I read Fawkes by Nadine Brandes, I fell in love with the author and was eager to read more of her work. This book did not disappoint and it was worth the while. Romanov was filled with emotion and adventure that kept me turning the pages. Anastasia was a very interesting character and it was such a interesting circumstance that she lived in.
Read my full reviews here: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay & The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes.
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7. An Old Fashioned Girl, by Louisa May Alcott "We can't any of us do all we would like, but we can do our best for every case that comes to us, and that helps amazingly." An Old Fashioned Girl by Louis May Alcott was such a good book. It's by the same author of Little Women and definitely reflects that same style. I love L.M. Alcott's handwriting and couldn't put this book down. I liked how different the story line is from other books and appreciated the plot. Polly was such an interesting character unlike any other and I enjoyed seeing the effect she had on other people. Read my full review HERE. |
6. Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen
"The more I know of the world, the more I am convinced that I shall never see a man whom I can really love. I require so much!"
Read my full review HERE.
5. The False Prince, by Jennifer A. Nielsen
"A person educated can be educated and can still be stupid, and a wise man can have no education at all."
4. The Visitation, by Frank Peretti
"Sometimes the best way to see Christ is to take a long, hard look in the mirror."
Read my full review HERE.
3. Fawkes, by Nadine Brandes
" 'You've had one moment of clarity and now you think you have all the answers,' She gave a grim smile, 'Take a breath, Thomas. There has always been fear. There will always be fear. It's up to us to stand tall, even when fear demands we bow to it.' "
Read my full review HERE.
2. Romanov, by Nadine Brandes
"Because I have a story I was meant to live. And not even you can unwrite it."
1. The Hunger Games Series, by Suzanne Collins
"May the odds be ever in your favor!"
The Hunger Games was definitely my number one series this year. It is the most memorable and thrilling series I read and was a huge highlight. It was such an original and unique story unlike anything I've heard before. I couldn't put this series down.The writing is amazing and the character development is top-notch. My favorite characters were, Effie, Haymitch and Gale. I know, everyone hates Gale but I don't! #TeamGale
Happy Reading in 2025!!!
-Ariana :)
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