Emily of New Moon, by L.M. Montgomery (BOOK REVIEW)
"Everything we had was small expect our love and our happiness."
When Emily's father dies her life falls apart. Her mother died when she was very young and now with her father gone, she wasn't loved by anyone. All of Emily's Aunts and Uncles don't even want her and cast lots. They think that she is ugly and ill-tempered. Emily ends up going to live with horrible Aunt Elizabeth and lovely Aunt Laura. Two sisters who never married and are old maids, and Cousin Jimmy. When Emily arrives at New Moon she believes that she has a chance at being happy in such a beautiful place. But Aunt Elizabeth not only detests Emily, but hates the idea that Emily writes poems. But Emily believes she must write! She must pour our her heart into words. As Emily lives at New Moon she experiences new things, makes and loses friends and grows up into a young lady.
You will laugh. cry and smile all throughout this book! I really enjoyed reading this book and love how relaxing L.M. Montgomery's writing is. I enjoyed the character of Emily and I really like how Montgomery gives readers such an amazing perspective on the characters thoughts and actions. Reading this book was definitely more relaxing after reading books like the Hunger Games, which was nice. Montgomery's work seamlessly leads readers through moments of joy, sadness, and laughter. The dynamic interplay of the depth in her characters results in a reading experience. The way Montgomery captures the essence of human experience, whether it be the bittersweet nature of first friendships or the struggle is relatable and real. Engaging with these characters fosters a sense of connection that encourages readers to explore their own emotional landscapes. This emotional resonance is one of the most significant advantages that Montgomery offers, allowing readers to feel their own thoughts and experiences mirrored back to them.
I give this book a 9 out of 10 and recommend it for ages 11+
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Happy Reading!
-Ariana :)
Interested in reading - great review!