February Overview
February Overview
Hello my friends! All glory and honor to God for another amazing month full of His grace and mercy! What an amazing God we serve! This was another great month full of super cool, awesome, exciting, romantic and crazy amazing books! I feel as thought I have lived in a hundred different places in one month. That's one of the things I love most about reading; I get to explore new worlds, experience different realities and live a thousand lifetimes.
Some of the books I read this month, I have yet to post a review for. So as the reviews come out, I will attach the links ;)
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Books I read:
- Fireborne, Rosaria Munda ★★★★☆ (Start: 01/21/25 - Finish: 02/01/25)
- MindTalk?, Bob Ienuso ★★★☆☆ (Start: 01/29/25 - Finish 02/02/25)
- Unraveling, Sara Ella ★★★★☆ (Start: 01/29/25 - Finish 02/06/25)
- The Crown's Game, Evelyn Skye ★★★☆☆ (Start: 02/03/25 - Finish 02/08/25)
- Cinder, Marissa Meyer ★★★★★ (Start: 01/27/25 - Finish: 02/12/25)
- The Shattered Castle, Jennifer A. Nielsen ★★☆☆☆ (Start: 02/07/25 - Finish: 02/12/25)
- Wishtress, Nadine Brandes ★★★☆☆ (Start: 02/09/25 - Finish: 02/15/25)
- The Healer's Apprentice, Melanie Dickerson ★★★☆☆ (Start: 02/16/25 - Finish 02/17/25)
- The Words We Lost, Nicole Deese ★★★★★ (Start: 02/13/25 - Finish: 02/20/25)
- Scarlet, Marissa Meyer ★★★★☆ (Start: 02/13/25 - Finish: 02/23/25)
- As Sure as the Sea, Jamie Ogle ★★★★★ (Start: 02/12/25 - Finish: 02/28/25)
- Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy
- The Shooting Party, Anton Chekhov
- Caraval, Stephanie Garber
- Cress, Marissa Meyer
- The Naturals, Jennifer Lynn Barnes
- Of Love and Treason, Jamie Ogle
- Sunrise on the Reaping, Suzanne Collins