The Shattered Castle, by Jennifer A. Nielsen (BOOK REVIEW)


"No one begins to obtain wisdom until they admit they lack knowledge."

King Jaron has defeated the Prozarians and is ready to settle down with his soon-to-be wife. But he returned to his kingdom with a secret that no one knows about. A secret that he is hoping will bring Carthya security. But a surprise attack on his land reminds Jaron that nothing is ever easy, even for him. All of Jaron's enemies, old and new, come out of the wood-works looking for revenge. But when it becomes more personal than power, Jaron must protect Imogen. 

"Maybe my plans are terrilble, but believe it or not, yours are worse; they are always worse."

*sigh* I really really really wanted to like this book. I loved the first three books in this series but the last two just didn't give me the same charm and wit that I ate up in the previous books. The plot was really boring and it felt like Nielsen was using old material. I really think that sticking to a trilogy would've been wisest. In the first three books Jaron's character was so easy to love. But he lost all of his personality in the last two books. I could tell that Nielsen was trying to hold onto his character, but it just came across as cheesy. Imogen too, was not the same. I really liked her in the previous books but, in this book, she was just too much. This book was also so predictable and unsurprising. I really just wanted to finish it as soon as possible. But like I said, I really wanted to like it. I wanted to love the whole series. But I  think that Nielsen bringing back old enemies was so dull. The back and forth between characters wanting to kill each other and then being allies was just too much for my brain. It is very likely that younger ages would love this series as well as the last books, just not my age. Maybe it's because I have higher expectations than when I began this series or maybe this book is really for younger ages but I did not enjoy this one.

I give this book a 4 out of 10 and recommend it for ages 11+

PRESS HERE to purchase the book.

Happy Reading!
-Ariana :)


  1. I do believe I’m just gonna settle with reading the original trilogy. Great Review!

  2. Yes, I enjoyed the WHOLE series, but the last two weren't the same, they had their pros but more cons then I wished. I personaly think their not bad, but still not as good as the Trilogy. And i still like this book! Just not NEARLY as much as I hoped, and not as much as the first three. Still amazing, but could've been better -L.R

  3. same here although I enjoyed the ending. that was pretty good!


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