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The Healer's Apprentice, by Melanie Dickerson (BOOK REVIEW)

"Even a dozen soldiers couldn't make her feel as safe as Valten could." Rose has been made the healer's apprentice at Hangeheim Castle, a great honor and opportunity for a woodcutter's daughter like her. Even though she feels uneasy at the sight of blood, Rose is determined to show that she is useful and capable. Not having this position at Hangeheim Castle means that she would have to go back home to the man, an old bachelor, that her mother has chosen for her. But when she treats Lord Hamlin's wounds everything is turned up-side down. But she can't fall in love with a man who is already betrothed to another. As Rose navigates her confusion she must decided whether she will allow herself to fall in love or go back to a life of regret.  "Only the most passionate love could ever induce me to marry."  It's raining, your bored, your tired and you just want to read the cheesiest romance possible. My friend, if you ever have these symptoms this is...

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February Overview

Wishtress, by Nadine Brandes (BOOK REVIEW)

Cinder, by Marissa Meyer (BOOK REVIEW)

The Shattered Castle, by Jennifer A. Nielsen (BOOK REVIEW)

The Decision of a Lifetime, by Marilyn Meberg (BOOK REVIEW)

Mid-February Reading Update

The Crown's Game, by Evelyn Skye (BOOK REVIEW)

Unraveling, by Sara Ella (BOOK REVIEW)

Cranford, by Elizabeth Gaskell (BOOK REVIEW)

Mindtalk?, by Bob Ienuso (BOOK REVIEW)

Fireborne, by Rosaria Munda (BOOK REVIEW)

The Captive Kingdom, by Jennifer A. Nielsen (Book Review)

January Overview

Rilla of Ingleside, by L.M. Montgomery (BOOK REVIEW)