The Shadow Throne, by Jennifer A. Nielsen (BOOK REVIEW)


"Nobody gives you respect in this life. You must take it, you must earn it and then you must hold it sacred, because no matter how hard respect is to attain, it can be lost in an instant."

War comes to Carthya and King Jaron must expect the worst. But when he finds out that King Vargan kidnapped Imogen, the whole battle changes. Jaron knows it's a trap, but he has to try save to Imogen anyway. That's when everything goes downhill. While Jaron is in a foreign country, Carthya fights to defend itself, but is weak under the command of Roden. In order to have any chance at living, Jaron must weigh duty and love. The consequences of failing will be devastating...

"I can't remember a minute since we met when I haven't been in love with you."

The Shadow Throne, by Jennifer A. Nielsen is a strong third book for the Ascendance series. I haven't gotten bored or disappointed by this series so far! I really enjoy how much the plot changes and how there are many different levels of stories going on at once. A few things were very predictable while other things weren't. I really like reading about Jaron because he's so witty. Whenever he gets himself into a problem I always know that he did it on purpose. One thing that I have noticed about this series is that the whole beginning of the book is intense. Every character is in danger or dangerous and then at the end it quickly resolves. Looking forward to read the fourth! (Yes, it's a pretty long series ;) 

I give this book an 8 out of 10 and recommend it for ages 12+

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Happy Reading!
-Ariana :)


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