Mere Christianity Bk 3 Ch 1 (Notes & Thoughts)

Book 3
Chapter 1

"He quite understands that he must not damage the other ships in the convoy, but he honestly thinks that he does to his own ship is simply his own business." 

A lot of people think that God is like an annoying person, who constantly goes around the world, looking for people who are having fun, and ruins it. But He's not. God is good and he doesn't ruin fun. If the idea of fun that your having is sinful, obviously it's wrong. But God gave us free will, how are we going to use it? Do really want temporary pleasures on this earth? Or do you want peace on this earth and then spend eternity with God?

People are like ships, we must not collide with someone else. But where are we headed? Are we going towards heaven or hell? It’s kind of like peoples ideas of a moral compass. Some people think that as long as you don’t hurt anyone by doing wrong, it’s fine. But you must not only worry about not crashing into other ships, but what's inside the ship. You need a good working engine, otherwise all of your effort going into not crashing into others ships, is in vain. 

Hurting other people is wrong, but you can't hide your heart from God. The bible says that God cares about your beliefs and He judges the intentions of your heart.

(I highly recommend that you read this book for yourself. If you would like to purchase the book, CLICK HERE)

Happy Reading!
-Ariana :)


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