Mere Christianity BK 2 CH 3 (Notes & Thoughts)


Book 2 
Chapter 3

"God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing." 

People may ask how anything contrary to the will of a being with absolute power is possible. But if you have been in authority over something before you know that things happen against your will all the time. A mother may want her children to clean their room and it may not happen. This is against her will, but on the other hand it is her will which has left the children free to be untidy.

It is the same with God and this world. The Bible says that God created us to be holy and blameless in His sight. But God created us with free will. He didn't want us to be machines serving him. He wants us to serve Him out of love.

"It is free will which has made evil possible."

God designed us to run on Himself. He is our daily bread, He is what our soul naturally thirsts for. We were created for him. People will try and live on the things of this world, and things go wrong. People build their lives on things of this world, but this world changes and it will perish. 

(I highly recommend that you read this book for yourself. If you would like to purchase the book, CLICK HERE)

Happy Reading!
-Ariana :)


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