Mere Christianity, Chapter 5 (Notes & Thoughts)



"He is our only possible ally, and we have made ourselves His enemies." 

There is a natural and undeniable reality that there is a moral truth planted in everyone's hearts.

There must be someone behind this. Lewis makes it very clear at the beginning of this chapter

that he is not running on traditional religious beliefs, but that he was trying to find this someone on

his own steam. We have two bits of evidence that God is real. 

1. The Universe: We can see that there must be a creator when we look at the Universe we live in.

No thing comes from nothing.

2. Moral Law: We find out more about God in moral Law than the Universe.

If true, morality tells us to be good, which must mean God is good. 

"On the other hand, we know that if there does exist an absolute goodness it must hate

most of what we do. This is a terrible fix we are in. If the universe is not governed by an

absolute goodness, then all our efforts are in the long run hopeless. " 

God is our great comfort but He is also a divine terror. But don't forget that there is a wonderful thing called forgiveness. God is merciful, and when you come to realize that He is behind it all, you notice your sin. But God is ready to forgive at all times. 

Goodness is either the great safety or the great danger according to the way you react to it.

(I highly recommend that you read this book for yourself. If you would like to purchase the book, CLICK HERE)

Happy Reading!

-Ariana :D


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