Letters From Rifka, by Karen Hesse (BOOK REVIEW)


When Rifka's parents decide to make the long journey and immigrate to America, her life changes....

It is no longer safe in Russia and Rikfa and her family must leave in order to be safe. The Nebrot's go through it all on this long and dreary trip. And for what? Simply because they are Jewish. Illness, treachery and near starvation. But it will all be worth it when they finally get to America, right? 

Letters from Rifka take you through the heartache and the joy of Rifka's story through letters. Her story is so inspiring and doesn't make you bored. I have actually read this book twice and have loved it. It is just another perspective of what it was like during the time that the Jewish nation were persecuted. Karen Hesse is such a talented writer and really takes you into a whole other reality of what the world was during that time.

PRESS HERE to purchase the book!

I would recommend this book for 12+

Happy Reading!

-Ariana :)


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