The Captive Kingdom, by Jennifer A. Nielsen (Book Review)
BOOK 100!*
"I made jokes because I had long ago understood that when I did, people either laughed or became furious, and either way, it pulled them off course."
On a sea voyage Jaron's ship is attacked and all the members are taken hostage. The attackers and their captain, Jane Strick, accuse Jaron of unbelievable acts. When Jaron comes to find out that they have possession of his brother, Darius' sword and crown, Jaron knows that something is wrong. Jaron must battle the questions in his own mind, how did they get Darius' things? But Jaron must stay steadfast if he has any chance at winning the battle within, not only with his life in danger, but the ones he loves.
"And if doing something right makes someone angry with me, then I may cause rage and fury wherever I go."
I gotta say, this book is my least favorite from the series so far. This is book number 4 in The Ascendance Series and the first book is still the best. The story-line was really dragged and I didn't find it very interesting. It was a book that I wanted to end, not read forever. It was really shallow and the characters didn't seem to have their old appeal. Everything felt, off and I feel like this series didn't need two more books at all. It seems like all the plots are the same, and they always end the same. Maybe it's because I've read the first three and I'm tired of the same style of book? I don't know, but this one did not hit the mark. One thing that I noticed is how many times the author says 'genuinely'. I kept reading that word over and over and it was a lot! If this book was unique in any way from the previous books in the series, this would have definitely been a higher rating.
All that saying, I really do enjoy this series and am really disappointed that this one didn't deliver that same charm all the other books have. I think that younger kids would really like this series even if I didn't enjoy this specific book.
I give this book a 6 out of 10 and recommend it for ages 12+
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*Yes!! I made it to book number 100! I started counting at the end of 2021 and I finally made it! 🙌
Happy Reading!
-Ariana :)
Congrats on 100 books or something, lol. I read this book, and I get what you’re saying, but I still LOVE it, the last 2 books aren’t as good as the others but still great in their ways. -L.R